What services does the Library provide to Weizmann scientists?
- Access the research you need
- OneSearch search and discovery tool -- search more content in 1 place
- access from off-campus / remote access
- subscriptions to the content you need - articles, books (chapter-level access, when available), videos, courses, databases, journals, reference materials, ...
- search for difficult-to-find publications - Ask a Librarian, resource sharing/ILL
- training for databases and research tools (SciFinder, Reaxys, Endnote ...)
- physical collection services - purchase, hold request, loan, inventory management
- reference - assistance in finding information about new areas
- course support - purchase and management of publications required for courses
- FullText Finder Tool - locate a specific publication by citation
- integration of Library tools in vendor sites (Find IT@WIS in Google Scholar, PubMed, etc)
- institutional memory - access to Weizmann's historic material via the Archive
- Manage your publications
- Publication List management and update via WIS Works
- Publications list display on your website (individual, group, lab)
- Publications search on the Weizmann site
- Open Access compliance (legally publish your articles in the mandated locations)
- Integration of your publications list with external databases, such as ORCID
- CV Management tools
- Check for plagiarism issues before publication
- Article Processing Charge (APC) discounts with some publishers
- MyLibrary - personalized Library home page
- Library locations - a comfortable place to study and meet with colleagues
- Help - having trouble with any of the above services?
- How else can we help you?
- Open Access dataset management
- and more . . .
Want more information? Contact the Library