What changes can be requested to publication data stored in WIS Works?

Will the Library

  • change metadata or data format for me?
  • add additional publications for me?
  • add pre-Weizmann articles or other types of publications for me?


Publication Policies

Metadata doesn't change without an official source

Some articles or journal titles are all in uppercase, capital letters.

Article Titles:  The Library uses "sentence case" or "title case" whenever it is available from a recognized database.  Older articles may have been printed and may still appear in databases with full uppercase titles.  If an official source is available in non-uppercase, Library staff is willing to copy/paste the preferred version into a record, but we do not type in titles manually or change then without an official source.  Official sources include databases and the author's own publication list.  Please note that due to limited staffing, we cannot guarantee to make large numbers of changes quickly.  

Journal Titles:  Old records often had uppercase or other versions of journal titles and these can sometimes be found in older records.  Journal titles are now maintained centrally, but the database does not automatically change the title which arrives with the record.  Please report any such cases and we will attempt to fix those records.  

If there are mistakes or inaccuracies, for example, how an author name is spelled, in the source record, the researcher should contact Web of Science (WoS) or the appropriate database.

When are articles added?

Can the Library add an epub ahead of print?  

Yes.  Historically, the primary source for the WIS Works is WoS, but articles from other sources are added.  Note that WoS is slow to update, so it can take a month or 2 to see a new article from the WoS database.    

It is important to note that pre-publication data is often incomplete and this can cause display issues.  Because of limited staffing in the Library, if a pre-publication version is added, the Library requests that the author or a proxy monitor the publication and notify the Library when the article is published.  

What types of material are added?

See What is included in WIS Works? 

Can publications not found in WoS be added?

Yes.  Publications are added and automatic updated from many sources today -- for example, Arxiv.  

Can publications that I wrote before starting work at Weizmann be added?

Yes, by request.  

Please note that if you have a dual affiliation, we recommend that you tell the Library about that special situation.  Publications from another institution, even though published in your name while working at Weizmann, will not be found automatically unless they also include the Weizmann affiliation.  

Can I provide an link to a local copy of my article?

In general, WIS Works links to articles on the publisher's site and/or the Open Access versions in order to avoid copyright issues.  

It can happen that an author publishes in a database which is not available either from a subscribed publisher database or Open Access.  In such cases, the Library, together with the author, will try to obtain a legal copy from another source and provide a link to a local copy of that article.  The local copy may be a submitted, accepted, or published version.  

How can the citation format in my publications list be changed?

The Library provides the publications metadata via the WIS Works.  Formatting of the researcher publications page is provided by Internet Services.  

In Summary

If there are questions, please email library@weizmann.ac.il

  • Last Updated 17-Oct-2021
  • Views 106
  • Answered By Joan Kolarik

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