Cell Press OA Rules


Press embargo is until the paper is published

Posting embargo period 12 months after publication, after that all All Cell Press non-open access research papers become open archive and free to view.  The posting embargo period begins with the publication date of the issue in which the article appears. 

Accepted manuscripts (the post-peer-review version that does not incorporate copy editing and proofing) of open archive articles can be publicly posted in the institutional repository after the 12-month posting embargo has passed.  At acceptance, the author receives a ShareLink, allowing free sharing. Society journal partners have varying open archive polices, so please refer to their homepages for specific details.

How is open access different from open archive?

  • if a paper is open access, the authors hold the copyright, whereas the journal holds the copyrights of papers in the open archive
  • open access papers are available immediately, whereas papers in the open archive become available 12 months after publication

Do hybrid journals have an open access option for non-research articles (e.g., a review, commentary, perspective, etc.)?

  • All Trends reviews journals, plus One Earth, Biophysical Journal, Molecular Plant, and Molecular Therapy provide the option to publish open access on some types of non-research articles. 
  • All other Cell Press hybrid journals do not offer open access options for non-research articles. If your funders have specific mandates for this type of content, please contact the journal.

An article published without open access originally can be made open access later if the request is received no later than January 31st of the calendar year after the article publishes. 

Source https://www.cell.com/open-access

Cell Press accepts manuscripts previously posted on preprint servers such as arXiv, bioRxiv, BioRN, ChiRxiv, ChiRN, or SSRN. Some journals, including Cell Genomics, Cell Reports, Current Biology, and iScience, also support direct submission of manuscripts from bioRxiv and/or medRxiv via transfer of manuscript files and metadata to the journal's Editorial Manager site. This only applies to the original submitted version of the manuscript; posting revisions to preprint servers that respond to editorial input and peer review or final accepted manuscripts is not supported. Prepubication policy:  https://www.cell.com/cell/authors#prepub

Embargo periods and open access fees

For authors submitting from January 2021 onwards all Cell Press journals offer an open access publishing option. 

For articles published on a subscription basis, authors may deposit the accepted manuscript once the relevant journal posting embargo period has passed.

APCs and posting embargo periods:  https://www.cell.com/rights-sharing-embargoes


  • Last Updated 12-Dec-2021
  • Views 42
  • Answered By Joan Kolarik

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