Karger No-Charge APCs (Read & Publish Agreement)


This Read and Publish agreement covers unlimited open access publishing in Karger journals -- both fully open access and hybrid -- with no Article Processing Charges (APCs) for corresponding authors affiliated with The Weizmann Institute, from 1 January 2021.

Articles submitted by eligible corresponding authors qualify for Open Access publishing under this agreement upon the date the article is accepted for publication.  Sorry, but if your article was accepted in December 2020, but published in 2021, it is not included in this agreement.

If you are a corresponding author, identify yourself as being affiliated with Weizmann by using your institutional affiliation (detailed instructions available), including Weizmann email address, when submitting your articles.  If possible, it is best to include your ORCID (contact the Library if you require assistance with an ORCID).


  • Last Updated 23-Dec-2022
  • Views 181
  • Answered By Joan Kolarik

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