IOP No-Charge APCs (Read & Publish Agreement) for Hybrid and Gold Journals


This Read and Publish agreement covers unlimited open access publishing in most of IOP journals and journals of The Electrochemical Society (ECS) with no Article Processing Charges (APCs) for corresponding authors affiliated with The Weizmann Institute.  
The list of eligible titles is attached below.

Are there any journals published by IOP and its partner societies that are not eligible for no-cost OA publication under this agreement?

Yes, there are a small number of journals published by IOP that are not covered by this agreement because they do not participate in IOP’s OA publishing agreements. These include the American Astronomical Society (AAS) journals, some society titles that do not allow open-access publishing, fully OA journals that do not charge OA fees, and translated and conference titles.

Articles submitted by eligible corresponding authors or first-named authors qualify for Open Access publishing under this agreement.  


Eligible article types

  • Research articles
  • Special Issue articles
  • Review articles
  • Letters

IOP Contact for Open Access Questions:


*The submission process is via a system that correlates the paper being submitted to the email address of the person submitting the paper, and from the email address "knows" which agreement to use. You MUST use your WEIZMANN email to ensure your paper is open access by the WIS Read and Publish agreement. 

For more info and an author guide for submission please click here:

  • Last Updated 22-Feb-2024
  • Views 187
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