Cancer Research (AACR)




Open Access?  Yes, after 12-month embargo.

Additional APC Discount:  None

Open Access Deposit (Green):  TBD

Recognized by Vatat:  Yes = במודל התקצוב של הות"ת

The final typeset version of every published article is rendered freely accessible 12 months after publication. Authors who prefer for their article to be immediately freely accessible online may make this selection by paying an additional fee through the AACR AuthorChoice option. In addition, the AACR assists authors in satisfying major funder Open Access archiving mandates by depositing the accepted author version of their article in a designated public repository.

Authors of articles published in AACR journals are permitted to  post the accepted version of their article (after revisions resulting from peer review, but before editing and formatting) on their institutional website, if this is required by their institution. The version on the institutional repository must contain a link to the final, published version of the article on the AACR journal website so that any subsequent corrections to the published record will continue to be available to the broadest readership. The posted version may be released publicly (made open to anyone) 12 months after its publication in the journal

Library Note:  In Pure Journal record > Copyright added link (<h4>Weizmann Notes</h4><a href="" target="_blank">Additional Open Access Information</a>)

  • Last Updated 20-Nov-2019
  • Views 68
  • Answered By Marina Sandler

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