Elsevier No-Charge APCs from 2025 (Read & Publish Agreement)
As of 2025, Weizmann Institute of Science, by the Consortia level, has signed an agreement to publish open access to corresponding authors in selected journals with Elsevier without payment of an Article Processing Charge (APC), HYBRID titles only, starting on 1 January 2025.
See the list of the eligible titles below.
Only hybrid journals are covered by this deal. Fully-Open-Access journals are not covered, and the library cannot fund the Article Processing Charge. Still, the author can receive a 10% discount on the fully open-access titles because of the existing deal.
Titles moving from Gold to Hybrid status during the agreement years will be included with the terms, and our scientists can publish them without payment.
For more information, see the publisher site: https://www-staging.elsevier.com/open-access/agreements/malmad
For information from the Malmad site see here: https://www.iucc.ac.il/en/malmad/oa-malmad/elsevier/
Author eligibility
The corresponding author must be affiliated with Weizmann Institute of Science. This will be easiest for us to check if you submit using your WIS email address.
Article eligibility
Primary research and review articles that have an acceptance date between 2025 and 2028.
The Elsevier publishing workflow will use the acceptance date to determine the eligibility of an article under this Agreement.
Journal eligibility
Only hybrid journals are covered by this deal. Please check the Elsevier:Jisc Collections:Elsevier Read and Publish Agreement 2025-2028 (Publishing list) before submitting your chosen journal.
It does not include open publishing in Cell Press or Lancet titles.