Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory No-Charge APCs from July 1, 2022 (Read & Publish Agreement)


This agreement allows Weizmann Institute of Science corresponding authors (lead authors who manage the submission and peer review processes) to publish research articles and review articles Gold OA in hybrid journals. Authors must use their Weizmann Institute email address when submitting articles to the journal, and choose the CC BY or a CC-BY-NC Version 4.0 license publication license.  

The agreement does not apply to certain other article types including reviewscomments, editorials, and analyses.

There is no limit on the number of articles that may be published in these titles as Open Access each year.

CSHLP journals to which Weizmann's corresponding authors may submit articles for OA publication: 

Genes & Development

Genome Research


Learning & Memory

: Excluded journals

see files attached



  • Last Updated 24-Nov-2024
  • Views 95
  • Answered By Vered Yanai

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