How to Provide a Budget Number for an APC Payment

APC = Article Processing Charge for open access publication


The following information should have been included in the email you received from the Library

  • name of the journal
  • article title
  • payment currency and cost in that currency (Currency, Full Cost)
  • any discount, if one is available
  • estimated cost in shekels : "YOU PAY in ILS (enter this price estimate)" - the form requires a shekel amount; the actual amount paid will depend on the exchange rate at the time of the final transaction

For the Library pay the APC via our deposit account, you must provide your budget number (aka Account, Kamar, ...) via the Internal Services form, Open Access publication.  If the link does not open the required form, search Internal Services for "Open Access publication".

Below is a sample form showing what fields are required by the Library.  No additional information needs to be provided because the Library tracks these transactions elsewhere.

When you submit the form, the Library is notified.  This triggers payment to the publisher and charging of the APC cost to your budget.



  • Last Updated 20-Jun-2024
  • Views 196
  • Answered By Joan Kolarik

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