How Does the Library Browser Extension Integrate with Google and Google Scholar?

How to install Lean Library, the Library browser extension", aka

  • Lean Library (LL)
  • Library Assistant

If you have already installed LL

  • you have a small, grey or blue-green circle on your browser tool bar.
  • on some pages, like in Google and Google Scholar, there is a small blue WIS button on the right.  to offer context-relevant information for the page or site


JoVE (Journal of Visualized Experiments videos) search results can be displayed together with your Google and Google Scholar search results.

When searching Google or Google Scholar, clicking the LL button > Integration > adds JoVE results alongside the standard results.

The following images are small, so you can use these links to view examples on the same pages, once you have the extension installed:

With the help of LL, we have more new features on the way, such as

  • better article requesting integration (when you just can't find that specific article...)
  • point-of-need services - embedding page-specific FAQs on web pages about which we receive a lot of questions, for example,

If you are willing to test this new feature and give feedback, that could help us continue to improve our services.

  • Last Updated 17-May-2022
  • Views 126
  • Answered By Joan Kolarik

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