Grants from Horizon Europe vs Horizon 2020

What are the different requirements for grants from Horizon 2020 and grants from Horizon Europe?

What are the open access requirements?


Open Science - Summary of EU Requirements

2014 - 2020


peer-reviewed journal articles,
book chapters, and conference
sometimes needed
6-month embargo permitted
publication in EITHER fully open
access or hybrid journals
Authors or grantees must retain
sufficient rights
CC BY (or equivalent)
Grants Awarded Under
Publication Types *
Paid Gold Open Access
Publication (APC) **
Free Green Open Access via 
Accepted Manuscript (usually embargoed) **
Reimbursement for Cost of
Publication from Grant
(APC) ***
License and Intellectual
Property Rights (IPR)
Data Management Plan
Data Sharing
2021 - 2027
same as H2020 + long form publications,
such as books
usually the ONLY option
NO embargo allowed
ONLY publication in fully open
access journals OR "in journals
that have agreed to transition to
become fully open access under
terms set out by Plan S"
Authors or grantees must retain rights
CC BY (or equivalent)
CC BY-NC/ND for long text
Mandatory within first 6 months
of your grant (OA for plan document
recommended but not mandatory)
Mandatory unless valid privacy
reasons provided in DMP ("as open as
possible and as closed as necessary")
CC BY or CC O 


* All articles related to the grant must be reported. 

  • Peer-reviewed and research articles must be open access
  • Invited reviews do not have to be open access (the Library does recommend that when you are invited to do a review, you request that it be open access).

** Best Practice Recommendations:  before submitting articles, ask the Library what discounts are available for the journal or visit the Library's OA FAQs (

  • either plan to publish in fully-open-access journals OR budget for hybrid publication from non-grant funds and consult with the Library regarding possible discounts
  • post in arXiv as preprint -- when this is done, some publications allow immediate open access for the accepted version
  • If your grant has a website or page, the DMP can be posted there. If there is not a grant website or page, the DMP can be housed in WIS Works
  • when creating a DMP, the Library recommends using WIS Works  datasets up to XXX in size can be housed WIS Works and links

*** All types of costs related to covered publication may be funded from it, i.e., not only publication fees but also page charges, illustration charges, etc.

  • Last Updated 04-Jul-2022
  • Views 472
  • Answered By Joan Kolarik

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