How to print from a personal computer in Goldschleger Library?
How can I print from a personal computer in Goldschleger Library with my work card?
How to Print in Goldschleger Library
- Print from your WIS office computer
- Print from your private laptop
- Print from a public computer
- Print without WIS card (with PIN code)
- Job errors
- Can't print PDF from a public computer?
- I sent it to print, but the Print button is unavailable/grey
- Where can I get a paper?
- I can't find the answer. What should I do?
Print from your WIS office computer:
send the document to the printer SafeQ_Black_white.
(your document will be deleted after 72 hours from the printer memory)
- Go to the printer in Photocopy room and put your Weizmann card on the pad with a card icon next to the display.
You will see your name and the number of pages you sent for printing.
To initiate printing, tap Print.
Print from your private laptop:
instead of sending it to the printer, send the document from your WIS email to
Go to the printer in the Photocopy room and put your Weizmann card on the pad with a card icon next to the display.
You will see your name and the number of pages you sent for printing.
To initiate printing, tap Print.
Print from the Library public computers
- send the document to the printer Goldschleger Library Printer.
- Insert your WIS username and password and click Enter
- Go to the printer in Photocopy room and put your Weizmann card on the pad with a card icon next to the display.
You will see your name and the number of pages you sent for printing.
To initiate printing, tap Print.
Print without WIS card
SafeQ printing makes it possible for any Weizmann Institute employee (in possession of an employee number) to generate a PIN code on his or her own, for printing via printers connected to a SafeQ controller without an employee card. The code generated will remain active for a period of 60 days.
SafeQ PIN code printing can serve as a temporary solution for employees having lost their employee card, or having inadvertently left them at home.
SafeQ PIN Code Generation
To generate a PIN code for printing via SafeQ controller-connected printers:
- Access the SafeQ portal via your browser -
- Log in with your user ID and password.
- Click Generate PIN under Access credentials/Generate PIN on the dashboard.
- Click Yes in the dialog that appears to approve generation and display of the PIN code.
- Following PIN code generation, you will receive an e-mail similar in content to the sample e-mail shown below.
Dear YSoft SafeQ user,
A new PIN code has been generated. Please use this new code to log in on YSoft SafeQ terminals.
PIN code: 111111
Expiration date: Thu Jul 23 15:26:43 IDT 2020 (60 days)
This message was sent to you by YSoft SafeQ.
- Send your print job from your computer (using your login credentials) to the printer named SafeQ_Black_white.
- Go to Photocopy room and tap the PIN button on its console.
- On the next screen, enter your generated PIN code via the keypad and tap OK.
- To initiate printing, tap Print.
Job error 016-910 on the printer display:
[1] Check the tray – Does it has paper?
[2] Reopen and close the tray.
[3] Check Tray settings > paper size A4.
[4] Try to print.
Can't print PDF from a public computer?
Send the document from your WIS email to
Do not try to print from a USB flash drive. Print only files from the computer folder.
I sent it to print, but the Print button is unavailable/grey.
Once you send your document to email to wait for a few minutes till the remote service receives it and uploads it to printing (the Print button becomes blue).
Next entry to the Print room > under microwave or ask a Librarian
I can't find the answer. What should I do?
Any additional questions, send them to with your contacts.