How to book a room or a presentation space in Central Library @ Goldschleger?

Need a room to meet with a small group?
Need a space for your PhD defense?


The Weizmann Library currently offers 7 study rooms, 1 meeting room and a Presentation space in the Central Library @ Goldschleger Building.

All Goldschleger Library spaces can be booked via our user-friendly online system.

Meeting Room #1 has teleconference facilities. It should be booked at least 24 hours in advance and the Library's approval is needed to complete the reservation process. The room can be used for Library, scientific or educational events only.  The booking party is in charge of the room equipment. By performing the booking, you accept the responsibility for it.

The Presentation area is the library's open space. It should be booked at least 24 hours in advance for Library, scientific or educational events only. The Library's approval is needed to complete the reservation process. The booking party is in charge of cleaning the space after the event. By performing this booking, you accept the responsibility for keeping the space tidy and clean.

Study rooms 2, 4, 6-8 can be booked at any time. Please note: these rooms MUST be booked to be used. To prevent any unpleasant situations when more than one group claims the rights for a room's use, please make your reservation as soon as possible.

​Study Room Booking Rules

  1. Only Weizmann students, scientists, or employees can book the rooms
  2. Up to 4 hours per day may be booked by the same person (up to 12 hours in the Presentation area)
  3. Up to 3 slots may be booked simultaneously.
  4. Priority will be given to groups who wish to study together over individuals wishing a private room
  5. If any change in plan occurs, you are expected to modify or cancel your reservation accordingly.​ If the booking party does not arrive within 15 minutes of the reservation start time, the reservation will be considered canceled, and the room will be reassigned to another user or group.

How To Book a Study Room

  1. From the booking page, select the Location where you wish to book a room (aka space).
  2. Select the Category of space you wish to book.
  3. Use the Capacity dropdown to filter the list based on how many people can be accommodated.
  4. Navigate to the date when you want to book a space.
    1. Use the Go to Date button to select a specific date.
    2. Use the Back (<) and Forward (>) buttons to navigate between weeks.
    3. If there are no available times in the current view, the Next Available button will appear. Clicking this button will jump you to the next available time slot.

Location, Category, Capacity, and date navigation options

  1. Click on an available time slot for a space to start a booking at that time.
    • Use the horizontal scroll bar to view additional times in the grid.
  2. For the selected room, you can select a different due time from the dropdown menu.
    • To remove the room from your booking, click its trash can icon button.
  3. Click the Submit Times button.

Selecting and submitting times

  1. Review any terms & conditions for this space, then click Continue.
    • To modify your booking, click the Change link under the Booking Details.

The Continue button below the terms and conditions

  1. Fill out the booking form.
  2. Click the Submit my Booking button.

Submitting a booking form

  • Last Updated 05-Sep-2022
  • Views 903
  • Answered By Marina Sandler

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