How to Purchase a Book?

Weizmann Policy: 

  • The Library may not purchase the print version of book from the Library budget when an electronic version exists
  • In order to purchase a print copy in this situation, an alternative budget must be provided


Book orders are processed by the Library.

Electronic books are paid from the Library budget.

Print Book Purchase Options

  1. If no electronic version exists, the Library can purchase the book from the Library budget and the patron can borrow it once it arrives. If another patron requests the book, the Library will request its return.  The Library requires a request from a PI or PI approval for this type of purchase.
  2. The Library purchases a print book from a PI's research budget.  The patron or a department secretary must complete a book purchase order via Internal Services. The Library orders the book and contacts the patron when the book arrives.  The book can be kept in the patron's lab on permanent loan.
  3. PIs can buy a print book with their credit card directly from a store or book vendor and, upon receipt of the book, be reimbursed.  To process reimbursement, the book must given to the Faculty Librarian for processing, together with a signed form (English or Hebrew), and the receipt.  The book and the form are are returned to the PI witha Library stamp and the book's inventory number.  Using this information, the department secretary or administrator can complete the reimbursement process.
  • Last Updated 10-May-2022
  • Views 55
  • Answered By Marina Sandler

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