What to do when no references are imported from Pubmed to my Endnote library?

In some (but not all) cases when I search Pubmed for an article in the online mode of Endnote I get the screen message asking to confirm the retrieved references, but when I click OK, no references are imported in my library.


This problem sometimes happens to Mac Endnote users.

Endnote's technical support suggests to:

  1. Open Endnote
  2. Click the "EndNote" drop down menu next to the Apple and choose "Preferences..."
  3. Highlight "Display Fields" the left side, then press the "EndNote Defaults" button at the bottom.
  4. Do the same with each of the other Preference options except for "Change Case," "Reference Types" and "Sync."
  5. Click Save.
  6. Close the Preferences.

Once this is done, Quit and restart Endnote to try the search again.

  • Last Updated 31-Jan-2019
  • Views 41
  • Answered By Yifat Belous

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