How can I make my already published article Open Access?


There are 2 types of Open Access, each with its own path:

  • Gold Open Access – this means that the Published Version is Open Access from the date of publication. This is the costliest form of OA. To make your published or unpublished article gold OA you must pay the publishers article processing charge. Some publishers (like RSC and ASC) offer discounts to member institutions. Contact the article publisher to get their fee schedule.
  • Green Open Access – this is when a pre-publication version of the article has been deposited in an Institutional or Scientific Repository. Some publishers mandate an embargo period before earlier versions of a paper can be available as Open Access. Weizmann researchers can deposit pre- or post-print versions of their articles in the Weizmann Institutional Repository by sending an open access version of the article to the library. The Library can help you navigate the sometimes complex issues of versions and OA.


  • Last Updated 23-Jul-2018
  • Views 14
  • Answered By Joan Kolarik

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