How can I comply with Open Access requirements without paying for Gold Open Access?
Option 1: Green
The OA requirements of many funding organizations (including ERC) can sometimes be met by depositing a pre-print or post-print of the final article in a scientific or Institutional Repository and you can use WIS Works, the Weizmann Institute's publications repository, to do this. This type of open access is referred to as "green".
To deposit a pre-print or post-print version of your article, send a PDF of the appropriate version to the Library. Be sure to mention the version.
Option 2: Bronze
Sometimes publishers will agree to publish an article open access (for example, if it is invited) when the author requests it. This decision is entirely at the publisher's discretion, but it can't hurt to ask. This type of open access is referred to as "bronze".
As long as you know that the open access is permanent, this fulfills the ERC requirements. Some articles are briefly open access when they are accepted or for a short period after publication, so it is important that the publisher confirm the article's status.
More Information
To find out what the requirements are for your particular funder you can consult your funder and/or the Sherpa/Juliet Research Funders' Open Access Policies web site.
To learn more about article publisher policies, consult the publisher's web site and/or the Sherpa/Romeo Publisher Copyright Policies & Self-Archiving web site.
For more information, contact