Can I use the Library Proxy Bookmarklet on my mobile device, phone or tablet?

Does EZproxy for Remote Access work from mobile devices?


iPhone or iPad

[1] Move to your iOS device, open and bookmark this page.

[2] Select and copy the following text:


[3] Edit the bookmark

[a] Name it something like "WIS Proxy."

[b] Delete the web address below the bookmark name (all the text in the box starting with "https") and paste the above proxy text into the box.

[c] Save the bookmark.

The next time you're browsing a WIS e-resource on your mobile device and your mobile device is off-campus (if you're on-campus using a WIS wifi connection, your phone is also "on-campus"), click or tap your WIS Proxy bookmark to gain access.

Android Phones/Tablets

Support for bookmarklets varies considerably among Android devices depending on operating systems and browsers. The methods below have been verified to work on most devices running Android 4.0 or above, but we cannot guarantee that they will work on all Android devices.

Method 1

Try the steps described above for iPhone/iPod/iPad.

Method 2

If Method 1 didn't work, try this with Chrome as your browser.  Unfortunately, in Chrome, you cannot directly access a bookmarklet via the Bookmarks menu

[1] After testing Method 1, saving and editing the bookmarklet, go to the page which needs to be proxied.

[2] Start typing the name of the bookmarklet in the browser address bar (e.g., start typing “WIS Proxy” if that’s what you named it).

[3] As you are typing, the browser will suggest matching bookmarks -- when the bookmarklet name shows up, select it and your current page should be proxied for remote access via EZproxy!


  • Last Updated 23-Jan-2020
  • Views 2468
  • Answered By Joan Kolarik

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