What is an ORCID and Why Should I Use It?


An ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) is a unique, persistent identifier for researchers that helps distinguish your research activities and outputs from those of other researchers with similar names to ensure you get credit for your work.


  • Connects you with all of your research activities and outputs
  • Eliminates confusion over researchers with similar names
  • Moves with you between institutions
  • More and more journals place a link to your ORCID profile next to your name in articles
  • Saves time managing publication and grant information
  • Reduce repetitive data entry into research systems - Enter Once, Reuse Often
  • Automated NIH grant applications
  • Control which systems can access your information

Where are ORCIDs Used?

  • The Weizmann Institute of Science
    • the Library uses ORCIDs in WIS Works, Weizmann's research repository, to assist with correct harvesting of new publications
    • the Library can update your publications in your ORCID page via your list of publications within our CRIS system (WIS Works)
    • your HR contains a field for your ORCID
  • National CRIS (Current Research Information System) 
    • The IUCC CRIS collects all national publications based on ORCID  
  • Many publishers
    • next to your name in publications, on the landing page and/or the PDF
    • during publication submission
  • Grant organizations 
  • Large databases, including Scopus, Web of Science and Crossref/DOI
    • ArXiv encourages you to associate your ORCID with your arXiv account because it will gradually supersede the role of the arXiv author identifier

How do I get an ORCID?

You can register on your own or Library staff can guide you through the registration process.  Then you just need to use your ORCID on every research activity or output to ensure that your ORCID connects all of your academic impact.

Already have an ORCID?
We can add it to your WIS Works profile to improve the accuracy of your publication updates.

Need help?
Contact the Library (library@weizmann.ac.il) for assistance.

Tell me more about the ORCID organization

ORCID is a non-profit organization supported by a global community of organizations including universities, publishers, funders, professional associations, and other stakeholders in the research eco-system. This global community has turned ORCID into a tool that links the many available author ID numbers under a single identifier and allows researcher data to be shared between systems. This persistent digital identifier acts like a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) for researchers that can be used to link all of an individual's research outputs and feed them to other research systems.

  • Last Updated 04-Jun-2024
  • Views 542
  • Answered By Joan Kolarik

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