How can I get a Mendeley Institutional Edition account?


The Library offers access to Mendeley Institutional Edition with premium features.

How to start:

  1. Register for an account at, creating a username (your institutional email address) and a password.
  2. Click on your name at the right top corner.
  3. Click on "Institutional groups" in the menu. 

Please review guides, videos, and tutorials to help you get started with Mendeley.

Included in the institutional version:  

  • 100 GB personal storage (instead of 2 GB with the free account)
  • 100 GB shared storage (instead of 100 MB with the free account)
  • Unlimited private groups of up to 100 collaborators (instead of 5 private groups of up to 25 collaborators)

HOWEVER, please note that Mendeley (v1.19) has started encrypting your Mendeley database, making it difficult to do a full export of data to Zotero.  The Library cannot recommend a product which blocks portability of data.  

Important notes:

  • To have continued access to these benefits, members must sign in to Mendeley from within your institution’s IP range at least once every 12 months
  • A member’s access to these benefits will expire 12 months after the last time they sign in to Mendeley from within your institution’s IP range, following which their account will return to the standard, free version.
  • Please note, a member’s data will not be deleted following this expiration and they will still be able to access any files or references they have uploaded to Mendeley to date
  • Members will receive an email 30 days prior to the expiration due date, reminding them to sign in from within their institution’s IP range to continue to receive their benefits. If they do not subsequently sign in within those 30 days, they will lose access to their premium benefits - at which point they will be sent an email confirming this
  • Last Updated 01-Aug-2021
  • Views 1577
  • Answered By Joan Kolarik

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